其致力于引入最新的控制、通讯、运筹决策等技术到未来城市交通系统中,针对出行瓶颈,提高交通系统的效率、安全、环保及公平性,并着重研究低空立体交通、空地协同物流及出行等方面。在上述领域发表期刊论文180余篇。曲教授主持国家自然科学基金委重点/国合、中国科技部重点研发计划项目、欧盟、瑞典科技部、澳大利亚基金委等科研经费超过3000万欧元。受邀担任欧委会人才项目、澳洲基金委卓越科学中心(Centre of Excellence)、荷兰基金委重大项目(VICI)、香港研究理事会主题项目(Theme Based Scheme)、新加坡主题项目(Thematic Research Grant)、国内人才等重大项目的初评或终评专家。
现任Communications in Transportation Research主编,Transportation Research Part A, Part E、Cell综合性期刊The Innovation、IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering、IEEE ITSM等期刊编委,以及世界交通大会协会交通建模委员会主席。曾荣获新加坡交通部部长创新奖、澳大利亚教育部奋进长江研究奖等。培养博士生、博士后三十余人,均就职于中国、澳洲、欧洲的高校、交通部/厅、及知名互联网及车厂。2020年8月,入选欧洲科学院(Academia Europaea-The Academy of Europe)。
Xiaobo Qu is a Changjiang Chair Professor with the School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University since Dec 2021. His research is focused on intelligent transportation systems, ground-air cooperation and vertical transportation systems, and emerging transport mode informed mobility services. He has authored or co-authored over 180 journal articles published at top tier journals, including 14 ESI highly cited papers. To date, Prof Qu has secured research funding well above 30 million Euros from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology China, Australian Research Council, Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova, STINT, and European Union, Ministry of Education China, including one NSFC key project (3 million CNY), one MoST thematic project (120 million CNY = 40 million public funding + 80 million matchup, as the PI), Australian Research Council Discovery Project, four major grants from Swedish Innovation Agency, two projects from EU, and a number of projects from research foundations. He has been invited to serve as a panel/assessor for prestigious funding scheme such as the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence (35 million AUD each), Future Fellowship (career grant, 1 million AUD each), Netherlands NWO VICI (career grant, 2.5 million Euros each), Hong Kong Research Council theme based scheme (30 million HKD each), Singapore Ministry of Education Thematic Research Program (5 million SD each), European Research Council, NSFC, Ministry of Education China etc. He is an elected Member of Academia Europaea–the Academy of Europe since Aug 2020, and an elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences since Jan 2020. He was a faculty member at two Australian Universities from 2012-2017, joined Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, as a Professor in Feb 2018, promoted to Chair Professor rank in Feb 2020. From Dec 2021, Xiaobo is teaching at the School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, China, at full time capacity, and will accept PhD students and postdocs from both China and overseas.
2019-2020 瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学 高等教育研究生文凭
2009-2012 新加坡国立大学 博士
2006-2009 威尼斯87978797 工学硕士
2001-2005 吉林大学 工学学士
2021.12 - : 威尼斯87978797 教授
2020.03-2021.12:瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学 讲席教授
2018.03-2020.02:瑞典查尔莫斯理工大学 教授
2016.07-2018.02:澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 高级讲师
2012.02-2016.06:澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 讲师、高级讲师
6. ATEM: Accelerating transport electrification via machine learning. Funded by EU. Total budget: 250,000 Euros, April 2021 to April 2023, with Liu.
5. ICV-Safe: Testing safety of intelligent connected vehicles in open and mixed road environment. Funded by Swedish Innovation Agency - Vinnova. Total budget (including industrial matchup funding - same hereafter): 10 million SEK, Aug 2020 to Sep 2023, with Chen, Wu, Gao, Johanson.
4. e-PT: Transition to electric Public Transit systems: Infrastructure planning, transit design and operations, and individualized battery management. Funded by Chalmers AoA Energy Foundation. Total budget: 3.4 million SEK, Jan 2021 to Dec 2022, with Kulscar et al.
3. SOSER: System of Systems of efficient emergency services and smart urban mobility. Funded by Swedish Innovation Agency – Vinnova, 10 million SEK, April 2019 to April 2022, with Chen, Blomsterberg, Tasic, Zou, et al.
2. HIEM: Holistic and integrated emergency management technology & equipment in the event of traffic accisdents. Funded by Swedish Innovation Agency–Vinnova, 20 million SEK. Mar 2019 to Feb 2022, with Wang, Blomsterberg, Tasic, Zou, et al.
1. Sustainable mixed urban transit system with electric and conventional buses. EU JPI Urban Europe. 880,000 Euros, April 2019 to April 2022, with Lu, Zhao, Tørset and Yu.
1. 智能交通系统
2. 网联环境下的交通控制
3. 未来交通运载模式
4. 交通系统大数据及运营
主编:Communications in Transportation Research
执行主编:Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
编委:The Innovation (A flagship journal under the cell group)、Transportation Research Part A/Part E、Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
副编/领域编辑:ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering、ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE ITS Magazine、Transportmetrica B、Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles
最佳论文评选委员会主席:ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems
欧洲科学院(Academia Europaea)院士-2020
IET Fellow
Selected 20 publications
1. Wang, K., Li, A., Qu, X., 2023. Urban aerial mobility: Network structure, transportation benefits and Sino-US comparison. The Innovation, 100393.
2. Qu X., Zhong L., Zeng Z., Tu H., and Li X., 2022. Automation and connectivity of electric vehicles: Energy boon or bane? Cell Reports Physical Science, 3 (8), 101002
3. Basso, R., Kulcsar, B., Sanchez-Diaz, I., Qu, X., 2022. Dynamic Stochastic Electric Vehicle Routing with Safe Reinforcement Learning. Transportation Research Part E, 157, 102496.
2. Chen Z, Li X, and Qu X., 2022. A continuous model for designing corridor systems with modular autonomous vehicles enabling station-wise docking. Transportation Science, 56(1), 1-30.
3. Wu J, Kulcsár B, Selpi, Qu X., 2021. A Modular, Adaptive, and Autonomous Transit System (MAATS): A In-motion Transfer Strategy and Performance Evaluation in Urban Grid Transit Networks. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 151, 81-98.
4. Zhang L, Wang S, and Qu X, 2020. Optimal electric bus fleet scheduling considering battery degradation and non-linear charging profile. Transportation Research Part E: Transportation and Logistics Review, 154, 102445, (also part of ISTTT2022 - acceptance rate: 10%).
5. Zhang J, Tang T, Yan Y, Qu X., 2021. Eco-driving control for connected and automated electric vehicles at signalized intersections with wireless charging. Applied Energy, 282, 116215.
6. Wu J, Ahn S, Zhou Y, Liu P, Qu X., 2021. The cooperative sorting strategy for connected and automated vehicle platoons. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 123, 102986.
8. Zhou M, Yu Y, Qu X., 2020. Development of an Efficient Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(1): 433-443.
9. Wu J, Kulcsár B, Ahn S, Qu X., 2020. Emergency vehicle lane pre-clearing: From microscopic cooperation to routing decision making. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 141: 223-239.
10. Varga B, Tettamanti T, Kulcsár B, Qu X., 2020. Public transport trajectory planning with probabilistic guarantees. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 139: 81-101.
11. Qu X, Yu Y, Zhou M, Lin C, Wang X., 2020. Jointly dampening traffic oscillations and improving energy consumption with electric, connected and automated vehicles: A reinforcement learning based approach. Applied Energy, 257, 114030.
12. Wang S, Yan R, Qu X., 2019. Development of a non-parametric classifier: Effective identification, algorithm, and applications in port state control for maritime transportation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128: 129-157.
13. Li X, Medal H, Qu X., 2019. Connected infrastructure location design under additive service utilities. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 120: 99-124.
14. Wang S, Zhang W, Qu X., 2018. Trial-and-error train fare design scheme for addressing boarding/alighting congestion at CBD stations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 118: 318-335.
15. Li X, Ghiasi A, Xu Z, Qu X., 2018. A piecewise trajectory optimization model for connected automated vehicles: Exact optimization algorithm and queue propagation analysis. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 118: 429-456.
16. Zhou M, Qu X, Li X., 2017. A recurrent neural network based microscopic car following model to predict traffic oscillation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 84: 245-264.
17. Zhou M, Qu X, Jin S., 2017. On the Impact of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles in Improving Freeway Merging: A Modified Intelligent Driver Model-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(6): 1422-1428.
18. Wang K, Wang S, Zhen L, Qu X., 2017. Cruise service planning considering berth availability and decreasing marginal profit. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 95: 1-18, (Impact Factor: 4.796).
19. Qu X, Zhang J, Wang S., 2017. On the stochastic fundamental diagram for freeway traffic: Model development, analytical properties, validation, and extensive applications. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 104: 256-271.
20. Qu X, Wang S, Zhang J., 2015. On the fundamental diagram for freeway traffic: A novel calibration approach for single-regime models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 71: 91-102.