




1992年7月-1995年8月 东北电力集团 助理工程师

2001年9月-2003年9月 威尼斯87978797汽车工程系 博士后

2003年9月-2005年11月 威尼斯87978797汽车工程系 助理研究员

2005年12月至今 威尼斯87978797汽车工程系/车辆学院 副研究员






1.电动汽车交流驱动电机控制技术  Control Technologies for IM &PMSM

Ÿ永磁同步电机建模与仿真  Modeling and Simulation for PMSM

Ÿ磁场定向矢量控制  Field Oriented Control Algorithm

Ÿ高速电机弱磁控制  Field-weakening Control for High-speed Machines

Ÿ无传感器控制技术  Sensorless Control Technologies

2.无线充电系统研究  Wireless Charging System

Ÿ无线充电系统建模与仿真  Modeling and Simulation for WCS

Ÿ拓扑结构设计与优化  Topology Design and Optimization

Ÿ电磁兼容与生物安全  EMC and Biosafety

Ÿ双向无线充电系统  Bi-directional WCS

3.燃料电池汽车直流-直流变换器控制技术  DC/DC Converter Technologies

Ÿ拓扑结构设计与优化  Topology Design and Optimization

Ÿ建模与仿真技术  Modeling and Simulation for DC/DC

Ÿ非线性行为分析与控制  Analysis and Control of Nonlinear

Ÿ高效控制方法  High-efficiency Control

Ÿ高电压比变换器电路拓扑结构优化 Topologies for High Voltage-gain Converter

4.先进汽车电力电子器件与应用  Advanced devices and application

Ÿ宽禁带(碳化硅)器件的应用  WBG(SiC)Devices Applications in Evs

Ÿ高频器件的驱动与保护  Drive and Protection of High-frequency Devices

Ÿ功率密度器件集成技术  Integration Technologies for High Power Density Devices

Ÿ功率模块的热管理技术  Thermal Management Technologies for Power











2010年 国家技术发明奖二等奖

2009年 北京市科学技术进步奖一等奖

2006年 北京市科学技术进步奖二等奖

2006年 中国汽车工业进步奖二等奖

2005年 北京市科学技术进步奖二等奖

2005年 中国汽车工业进步奖二等奖


[1] Optimal control strategy for a fuel cell hybrid powertrain, Journal of Tsinghua University, v 49, n 2, p 273-276, February 2009 (EI: 20091311991070)

[2] Development of simulation and real time control platform for fuel cell powertrain, Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, v 19, n 15, p 1879-1882, Aug 10 2008 (EI: 20083711538140)

[3] The digital control of auxiliary DC-DC converter on fuel cell vehicle, 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008, 2008 (EI: 20090111823648)

[4] Integration of fuel cell hybrid powertrain based on dynamic testbed, 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008, 2008 (EI: 20090111823865)

[5] An efficiency optimization strategy of induction motors for electric vehicles, 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008, 2008 (EI: 20090111823629)

[6] Development and application of fuel cell hybrid powertrain simulation platform, 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008, 2008 (EI: 20090111823706)

[7] Performance comparison of different fuel cell vehicle power trains, 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008, 2008 (EI: 20090111823632)

[8] Energy management strategy based on fuzzy logic for a fuel cell hybrid bus, Journal of Power Sources, v 185, n 1, p 311-317, October 15, 2008 (SCI: 358HB EI: 20083711533644)

[9] Development of fuel cell hybrid powertrain research platform based on dynamic testbed, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol.9 P365-372, 2008 (SCI:308GV EI: 20090111823865)

[10] Fuel cell vehicle on-board fuel economy test system, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering), v 30, n 6, p 927-930, December 2006(EI: 20071010471547)

[11] Performance comparison of two fuel cell hybrid buses with different powertrain and energy management strategies, Journal of Power Sources, v 163, n 1 SPEC. ISS., p 467-479, December 7, 2006(SCI: 137UF EI: 20071310519578)

[12] On board data monitoring system for fuel cell vehicle, Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), v 36, n 6, p 876-880, November 2006(EI: 20070110348673)

[13] Simulation of fuel cell vehicle power train based on matlab, Journal of System Simulation, v 17, n 8, p 1899-1901+1908, August 2005(EI: 2005349312730)

[14] Test platform of fuel cell engine, Gaojishu Tongxin/High Technology Letters, v 14, n 7, p 79, July 2004(EI: 2004388367204)

[15] A novel thyristor assisted diverter switch for on load transformer tap changer, Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, v 1, n ASIA PACIFIC, p 297-300, 2002(EI: 2003307565425)

[16] A detecting approach of three-phase distortion currents based on adaptive linear neural network and its being realized, Proceedings of the CSEE, v 21, n 3, p 49-52, March 2001(Inspec: 6962257)

[17] Detecting method of current distortion under the condition of unbalanced nonlinear loads, Automation of Electric Power Systems, v 24, n 13, p 45-47, 2000(EI: 2000375267111)

[18] New method to generate current reference for active power filters, International Power Electronics Congress - CIEP, p 99-103, 2000(EI: 2001125533523)

[19] An adaptive detecting approach of currents based on neural network for active power filter, Power System Technology, v 24, n 1, p 72-5, Jan. 2000(Inspec: 6502687)




[3]一种车用燃料电池系统输出功率的控制方法,ZL 200610012146.3,第1发明人;










[13]燃料电池汽车电气系统, 200810227569.6,第1发明人;

[14]燃料电池汽车电气系统配电箱, 200820124389.0,第1发明人;


[16]一种燃料电池城市客车高低压配电箱的密封系统, 200810246510.1,第1发明人;

[17]一种燃料电池城市客车的布线系统, 200810246573.7,第1发明人;

[18] 测量氢气消耗量的温度压力法, 200710304772.4,第4发明人